Welcome to Room 6's Blog...

We are one of the Year 3 & 4 classes at Russley School. We aim to work together well so that we can achieve success in everything we do. To help us be successful students we use the Russley Dispositions. They help us to train our brains to think successfully when we are faced with problems where the answer is not immediately known. On our Blog you will find photos, videos, up-coming events, notices and a range of other exciting information that we would love to share with you!

Tuesday, November 25, 2014


Hooray! Some of our Room 11 poets have had their work published on Poetry Box, by Paula Green:

Congratulations to Bridget, Olivia A, Anna, Brooklyn and Keziah!

Thursday, November 20, 2014

The Russley Writers' Walk

After many, many months of talking, thinking, organising and promoting the Russley Writers' Walk was opened today by Bill Nagelkerke and Jane Buxton at a special assembly. Just to give you all an idea of the journey we went on, here's it in a nutshell:

In term 1, I told Room 11 about the Wellington Writers’ Walk. The Wellington Writers’ Walk is a walk on Wellington’s waterfront where 23 sculptures display quotations from some New Zealand novelists, poets and playwrights. The walk promotes literacy to the people of Wellington and tourists and visitors to the capital.

The tamariki and I decided that we would hold our own writing competition. So, in Term 2 we decided to use the theme of ‘Life at Russley’ and ask people to write a poem, paragraph or story about our community. We created some posters that we displayed around the school using some cool quotes and of course, Gru’s Minions!

In Term 3 during the Pirate Story pandemonium (I love a bit of alliteration!) the competition ran. Initially we didn’t get to many people entering. So we decided to do some things to promote the Writers’ Walk. The tamariki, 

  Jumped on the intercom twice a week
 Wrote messages in chalk on the concrete around the school
 -  Popped into classes to talk about the Writers’ Walk

Then before the Term 3 holidays, Mrs. Koster, Mrs. Sellier and Mrs. McCreanor went through all of the entries. There were heaps, and they created a shortlist. Once the shortlisted was created, the pieces of writing were sent to local authors Bill Nagelkerke and Jane Buxton for judging. Then, they selected the winners. The winners were:

Ebony, Room 17
Emily, Room 17
Nathan, Room 17
Hollie, Room 15
Xavier, Room 11
Bridget, Room 11
Lucy, Room 11
Karim, Room 11
And the Team 1 & 2 Star Entry was…Michael Visser from Room 11
Izak, Room 5
Thomas, Room 6
Kara, Room 8
Mirette, Room 6
Monica, Room 3
Matilda, Room 3
Alisha, Room 3
Jayda, Room 3
And the Team 1 & 2 Star Entry was…Hannah Smith from Room 1

While all that was happening, Mr. Wilkin, Sacha’s dad, kindly offered to design the panels for the winning pieces of writing to be displayed on.

And finally, we held a special assembly. Check out the photos that Mrs. Koster took today. 


Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Another plug from Paula Green

Hi all, 
We have another lovely write up on the Poetry Box blog about our wonderful Russley children.