Welcome to Room 6's Blog...

We are one of the Year 3 & 4 classes at Russley School. We aim to work together well so that we can achieve success in everything we do. To help us be successful students we use the Russley Dispositions. They help us to train our brains to think successfully when we are faced with problems where the answer is not immediately known. On our Blog you will find photos, videos, up-coming events, notices and a range of other exciting information that we would love to share with you!

Friday, June 19, 2015

Class Meeting

'Mrs. Shush' (Emily) and 'Mr. Brainfright (Max)

This week we enjoyed: 
'Punctuation Paradise', dictation team names, The Pencil of Doom, Golden Time, PUNCTUATION PARADISE, the class poetry recital, dictation, learning about some multiplication strategies in maths, Airship and Robot Rampage writing, ukulele lessons, Wednesday's visit to the library, making butter for science with Mrs. Harrison and reading our novels.

An area we want to improve next week is: 
Sanitising our hands after coming in from morning tea and lunch

We talked about the following things at Class Meeting: 

1. The end of the Pencil of Doom
Mrs. Rainbow would like to continue being called our Pencil of Doom names. Mr. Ish said that this can happen for the Roll Race only. Henry would like to call Mr. Ish 'Mr. Narrator' seeming he is narrating the novel. The class voted in favour of this. 

2. Netball
Mrs. Rainbow talked about Henry's idea from last week about fitness. She wants the girls to be able to do netball. Mr. Ish said that this can happen on a weekly rotation. Newton talked about this too. Mr. Ish will make a roster and it will happen next week. 

3. Drawing Competitions
Henry asked if as a class we could have some drawing competitions. 

4. Bits and Pieces
Mr. Ish talked about art next week and how we're revising the Writing Workshops

5. Times Table Challenges
Fred talked about how he'd like more Times Table Challenges. Mr. Ish will co-ordinate this every Friday when he's doing the Maths Knowledge and Spelling Challenge tests. 

These people will be given a raffle ticket for being awesome at their spelling and times tables:

100% spellers: 
Maddie, Take, Abi, Daniel, Noah, Oscar and Edwin

100% tablers: Zion, Tina, George and Daniel 

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