Welcome to Room 6's Blog...

We are one of the Year 3 & 4 classes at Russley School. We aim to work together well so that we can achieve success in everything we do. To help us be successful students we use the Russley Dispositions. They help us to train our brains to think successfully when we are faced with problems where the answer is not immediately known. On our Blog you will find photos, videos, up-coming events, notices and a range of other exciting information that we would love to share with you!

Saturday, August 11, 2012


Wow, Week 5 is upon us. This term is certainly flying by!

We've had heap of fun studying and following the Olympics over the last two week. Last Thursday we had our own 'Mini Olympics' with Mrs. Ford and Room 23. The weightlifting was impressive, the archery left the wall a bit damaged, the volleyball was controversial and the scooter racing was a lot harder than everyone thought.  

A big congratulations to Roisin, Jessica and Pieta for placing cleaning up in the Girl's Scooter Final and Finn, Ben and Damian for doing the same in the Boy's Final. 

We've just started our second Inquiry Cycle - Knowing Me Knowing You. But as with most things, I like to do things slightly different...

New Zealand is a multicultural society. Cultures that were once foreign are becoming more prevalent in New Zealand society. We'll be looking at a range of beliefs and values of other cultures and finding about our own cultural roots. I'm asking that the children begin to research their ancestry and make a family tree. This will obviously require assistance from home as the children find out who and where their ancestors came from. I'd like to thank you in advance for the help I know you'll give. Furthermore, we'll be looking at frogs, yes frogs, and how they are an important part of some people's beliefs and culture (it'll all make sense later this term, I promise!).

Some key dates for the remainder of the term are as follows:

Wk 5 - School Assembly,UNSW Maths & the Zone Winter Tournament

Wk 7 - Canterbury Winter Tournament,
           Senior Choir rehearsal @ Queenspark School

Wk 8 - Class Poetry Finals
           Olympic Day @ Malvern Park
Wk 9 - School Assembly
           Senior Team Poetry Finals 1.30pm

Wk 10 - Talent Quest ‘Prelims’ @ lunchtimes
             Senior Team Inquiry Celebration – Cultural Performances 

Wk 11 - Talent Quest Finals 1.30pm,
             BDO – Bowling 11 – 12 noon
             STA Games

Ka kite ano (see you later) Zai jian (see you later) Mr. Ish.

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