Room 27's Poetry Competition will take place on Wednesday, the 5th of September!
Please make sure your child has a poem ready to recite!
Poetry Presentation Rubric
Title of Poem:
Allsort Success
Aeroplane Success
Willy Wonka
Posture and eye
Posture needs improving (slouching or fidgeting),
does not look at the audience.
Stands up straight without fidgeting and makes some eye
contact with the audience.
Posture is relaxed and confident; frequent eye
contact with the audience.
Required text or multiple prompts to recite poem.
Required less than two prompts to recite poem, would have benefited from more rehearsal.
Poem known by heart and obviously rehearsed to improve presentation.
Expression and
Poem was rushed and/or more expression in voice required.
Pace of presentation was satisfactory and expression in voice was used.
Excellent use of expression and pauses used to create dramatic effect and/or convey emotion.
Clarity of voice
Often cannot be understood OR mispronounces more than two words OR voice is too soft to be heard.
Speaks clearly and distinctly and volume is loud
enough to be heard.
Speaks clearly and distinctly all of the time, uses volume effectively.
Little or no use of facial expressions, body language and/or props.
Using facial expressions, body language and/or props, possibly overenthusiastic.
Effective facial expressions, body language and/or
props used to generate a strong interest in the presentation.
Listens to other
Does not appear to be listening and/or makes
distracting noises or movements.
Listens attentively most of the time.
Listens intently.
Additional Comments: