Welcome to Room 6's Blog...

We are one of the Year 3 & 4 classes at Russley School. We aim to work together well so that we can achieve success in everything we do. To help us be successful students we use the Russley Dispositions. They help us to train our brains to think successfully when we are faced with problems where the answer is not immediately known. On our Blog you will find photos, videos, up-coming events, notices and a range of other exciting information that we would love to share with you!

Friday, August 28, 2015

Class Meeting


This week we enjoyed: 
Turbo Touch, art with Miss. Malzard, Miss Malzard teaching, writing some cool character descriptions, Class Meeting, Xanthe's  Pom-pom, Abi's sign language each morning, never-ending tag, playing the frozen and thaw game, Mr. Stink, 

An area we want to improve next week is: 
Not calling out. 

Principal's Awards
Daniel and Zion earned a Principal's Award this fortnight. Congratulations, boys 

We talked about the following things at Class Meeting: 

1. Shared Novel 
AJ would like to re-jig things when we have 'question time' for our shared novel. Olivia agrees with AJ. The class voted in favour of this. 

2. News
Ava would like us to all have a news slot each day. The class aren't keen to see this happen. 

3. The Chess Challenge Board
Zion is keen for Mr. Ish to get the Chess Challenge Board updated. Mr. Ish will create a game schedule sheet for matches to be scheduled. 

4. Eating in the cloakroom
Brianna has seen a lot of people eating in the cloakroom. We will stop doing this. 

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Ukulele Orchestra

Teams Arawai and Roto had the pleasure of listening to the AMAZING ukulele orchestra today. They  were amazing! Here's a few snaps. Can you spot the radical Room 6 musicians? 

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Carrot Madness!

As part of our technology unit, the tamaraki have constructed their very own carrot cars. 

The task was to design and make a wheeled vehicle from the following materials:
-       scissors                         -  carrot or parsnip
-       knife                             -  tooth picks
-       straws        
-       pliers                                    
-    wire, 1mm wide

The vehicle was allowed to have three or more wheels and must be able to ‘run’ down a slope and cross a line 30cm from the end.  A good design should travel fast and straight and the wheels should not fall off at any stage. I wonder if any of these awesome cars will be able to do just that?

These are just a sample of pictures. I'll post some more when we test them tomorrow!

Ka kite ano

Monday, August 17, 2015

Turbo Touch with Touch Canterbury

Today we started learning about the game of Turbo Touch, a modified touch rugby game, with Kat from Touch Canterbury. It was fab-tactic!

There'll be lots more photos to come over the next few weeks. Here's a few action shots from this afternoon.

Friday, August 14, 2015

Class Meeting


This week we enjoyed: 
Technology, Science Alive's visit, gymnastics, Mr. Stink, earning money in our bank accounts, spelling and tables testing,

An area we want to improve next week is: 
Not calling out when Mr. Ish or Miss. Malzard are teaching/talking/singing/dancing/juggling etc.

We talked about the following things at Class Meeting: 

1. OCW
Max talked about OCW. He would like the class to have more opportunities throughout the week to do OCW. Zion agreed and asked if we could do it every Monday too. 
The class agreed, and this will now happen every Monday and Friday. 

2. Spelling
Oscar would like the Spelling Groups to have different names. He thinks the ones that Mr. Ish has chosen - Red, Green and Blue are boring. The class are very keen for this to happen. Noah and Olivia will work with the people in these groups to come up with some funky, alliteration based names.

3. Shoes, chairs and Room 6 being a mess.
Ava said that the cloakroom and classroom is being left in a really messy state at the end of each day. The class agrees and it was decided to sharpen up. Also, the class are keen to be given Es if they don't push their Chairs in. The Year 4's will take responsibility for monitoring this and letting Mr. Ish and Miss. Malzard know. 

4. Magic & Fitness
Ava suggested that some people could do a magic trick at the beginning of each day. The class voted against this. 

Ava also asked if students could organise and run daily fitness sessions between reading and maths. She suggested the Noah and Olivia, our Class Chairs, could organise this. The class voted in favour of this.

5. Shared Novel Questions
The class are keen to have eight questions and the end of each day's reading. The class voted in favour of this. 

6. Things Not Happening
Zion stated that everyone is getting a bit lazy with their standard of presentation (not using rulers) and the daily riddles are being done. He asked why Olivia and Noah haven't sorted a timetable yet. Noah and Olivia will get onto this with the help of a few arty people.