Tina, Jack Japes,
This week we enjoyed:
Golden Time, making name tags (some of us did), Pencil of Doom, STRICT, spelling sentences, finishing our procedural texts, Awards Assembly and the morning riddles
Areas we want to improve next week is:
LISTENING to the instructions Mr. Ish gives, c a r e f u l l y
We talked about the following things at Class Meeting:
1. The Glue Game
Zion asked to change the rules. The class voted to keep the rules the same.
2. Rubbish Trick Shot Competition
This will take place on Tuesdays at lunchtimes for those who are keen. Noah will organise this
3. Free Day
Olivia wants to have a 'free day' where we do nothing but Pencil of Doom and OCW.
Mr. Ish said we wouldn't be allowed to do this...
4. Jokes
Ava asked that only four jokes be put up at the start of each day. Maddie and Xavier will supervise this
5. Riddles
Oscar would like everyone to have a go at doing the riddles before reading. Those who are keen will see David Worthy (Xavier) and Jenny Friendly (Maddie) and they will slot people's name onto the daily roster.
6. E Credits
Olivia would like more E Credits to be given out. Mr. Ish will try and do this.
These people will be given a raffle ticket for being awesome at their spelling and times tables:
100% spellers: Maddie, Ruby, Niamh, Xanthe, Take, Olivia, Emil, Cole, Abi, Daniel, Gina, Max, Edwin and Josh CP
100% tablers: Daniel, Cole, Olivia and Xavier
See me for a raffle ticket please, kids.
Congratulations to Room 6's latest Tables Masters, Xavier!