Welcome to Room 6's Blog...

We are one of the Year 3 & 4 classes at Russley School. We aim to work together well so that we can achieve success in everything we do. To help us be successful students we use the Russley Dispositions. They help us to train our brains to think successfully when we are faced with problems where the answer is not immediately known. On our Blog you will find photos, videos, up-coming events, notices and a range of other exciting information that we would love to share with you!

Monday, May 25, 2015

Class Meeting - Week 7

Tina, Jack Japes, 

This week we enjoyed: 
Golden Time, making name tags (some of us did), Pencil of Doom, STRICT, spelling sentences, finishing our procedural texts, Awards Assembly and the morning riddles

Areas we want to improve next week is: 
LISTENING to the instructions Mr. Ish gives, c a r e f u l l y

We talked about the following things at Class Meeting: 
1. The Glue Game 
Zion asked to change the rules. The class voted to keep the rules the same.

2. Rubbish Trick Shot Competition
This will take place on Tuesdays at lunchtimes for those who are keen. Noah will organise this

3. Free Day
Olivia wants to have a 'free day' where we do nothing but Pencil of Doom and OCW.
Mr. Ish said we wouldn't be allowed to do this...

4. Jokes
Ava asked that only four jokes be put up at the start of each day. Maddie and Xavier will supervise this

5. Riddles
Oscar would like everyone to have a go at doing the riddles before reading. Those who are keen will see David Worthy (Xavier) and Jenny Friendly (Maddie) and they will slot people's name onto the daily roster.

6. E Credits
Olivia would like more E Credits to be given out. Mr. Ish will try and do this.  

These people will be given a raffle ticket for being awesome at their spelling and times tables:

100% spellers:
Maddie, Ruby, Niamh, Xanthe, Take, Olivia, Emil, Cole, Abi, Daniel, Gina, Max, Edwin and Josh CP

100% tablers: Daniel, Cole, Olivia and Xavier 

See me for a raffle ticket please, kids. 

Congratulations to Room 6's latest Tables Masters, Xavier!

Friday, May 22, 2015

Week 5

Apologies: Brianna

This week we enjoyed: Making ice cream, drafting our new procedural texts, playing Scrabble at lunch, making masks at lunch, Golden Time, Science with Mr. B in Room 5, Mr. Dent teaching, learning about eruptions and gysers with Mr. Dent and Adolphus Tips

Areas we want to improve next week is: Not talking when Mr. Ish is speaking - controlling our impulsivity!

We talked about the following things at Class Meeting: 'Es', pen sucking/slobbering, novel questions/people, pushing chairs in, tote tray labels for those people with tote trays,  

These people will be given a raffle ticket for being awesome at their spelling and times tables:

100% spellers: 
Josh T, Max, Oscar, Gina, George, Cole, Tina, Zion, Emily, Jay, Take, Xanthe, Madeline and Ava. 

100% tablers: Ruby, Jay, Cole, George, Max, and Josh C-P

See me for a raffle ticket please, kids. 

Congratulations to Room 6's latest Tables Masters, Xanthe, Edwin, Take, Noah, Gina and Ava!

They have each been awarded a funky IMATTE Certificate  (I'm A Times Tables Expert). Please ask any of them a table at random :) 

Plastic Bag Ice Cream!

AIM: To make ice cream

·      1/2 cup milk
·      1/2 teaspoon vanilla
·      1 tablespoon sugar
·      4 cups crushed ice
·      4 tablespoons salt
·      2 medium size Zip-loc bags
·      1 BIG size Zip-loc bag
·      a hand towel or gloves to keep fingers from freezing as well!

1.  First, mix the milk, vanilla and sugar together in one of the medium size bags.

2.  Next, seal the bag tightly, allowing as little air to remain in the bag as possible. Too much air left inside may force the bag open during shaking.

3.  Now, place this bag inside the other medium size bag, again leaving as little air inside as possible and sealing well. By ‘double-bagging’, the risk of salt and ice leaking into the ice cream is minimised.

4.  Then, put the two bags inside the BIG size bag and fill the bag with ice, then sprinkle salt on top. Again, let all the air escape and seal the bag. Wrap the bag in the towel or put your gloves on, and shake and massage the bag, making sure the ice surrounds the cream mixture.

5.  Do this for five to eight minutes. It will turn the mixture into ice cream.

6.  Finally, EAT your delicious ‘plastic bag’ ice cream!

Friday, May 15, 2015

What a busy week...

Hi all, 

What a crazy, but cool week we've had in Room 6. 

Here's a few snaps of Take's birthday celebration (in class) and our first two IMATTTEs - Maddie and Oscar! Well done to them. 

Also, it is with great please that I announce that Ava, Take, Xanthe, Gina, Noah and Edwin are our 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th placed TABLES MASTERS for 2015. They will all be awarded an 'IMATTTE' certificate next week. Tumeke, kids!

Finally, below is a funky video of Emily. She was unfortunately sick when Science Alive came out to work with us, so the fabulous Mrs. Ritchie (Emily's mum) did a bit of 'at home' learning. Enjoy...

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Class Meeting - Week 3

Hi all,

Yesterday, Madeline and Xavier ran their first Class Meeting!

Apologies: Josh C-P and Jay 

This week we enjoyed: The Book Fair, The Book Fair Competitions, The Book Fair Paraade, learning how to write a procedural text, learning how to read an analogue clock in maths, making sherbet and bread for science, Mrs. Le Cren coming into Room 6 to talk and Adolphus Tips.

Areas we want to improve next week is: Not running in the classroom! 

These people will be given a raffle ticket for being awesome at their spelling and times tables.

100% spellers: 
Maddie, Ruby, Niamh, Take, Olivia, Tina, Abi, George, Daniel, Gina, Noah, Xavier and Brianna, 

100% tablers: Ava, Maddie, Ruby, Niamh, Take, George, Gina, Noah and Max 

See me for a raffle ticket please. 

Maddie is Room 6's first TABLES MASTER for 2015 and will be awarded a funky IMATTE Certificate  (I'm A Times Tables Expert) soon because she has aced her times tables! Please ask her a table at random :)

Congratulations, Maddie!

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Awesome Acids and Bases

Today we got stuck into some more science and made sherbet using baking soda, citric acid, icing sugar and jelly crystals. Here's what we did...


  1. First, add 1 level teaspoon of citric acid to the bowl.
  2. Next, add 1 level teaspoon of bicarbonate soda to the bowl.
  3. Now add 3 heaped dessert spoons of icing sugar.
  4. Add at least 2 level dessert spoons of jelly crystals (or more to taste)
  5. Place a small amount, about half a teaspoon on your tongue.
  6. After tasting you may need to vary the ingredients. If it is too bitter add more sugar, if there isn't enough fizz you may need to add either bicarbonate soda or citric acid. 
  7. Make sure you add only in small amounts, remember you can always add more but it is very hard to remove some.


You have just created an acid-base reaction in your mouth. When you combine an acid (in this activity the citric acid) and an alkaline (the bicarbonate soda) with saliva they mix together to create a gas in the form of lots of tiny bubbles.
This is called an acid-based reaction and it's what gives sherbet its fizz. You are actually feeling the sensation of carbon dioxide bubbles on your tongue. These are the same bubbles that are in fizzy drinks.
The icing sugar is needed to add sweetness as the citric acid and bicarbonate soda are quite sour. Citric acid is one of the acids found in lemons, oranges and limes. That is why they are called 'citric fruit'. The other acid in lemons and other citric fruit is called ascorbic acid. This is commonly known as vitamin C. The jelly crystals simply add flavour.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Science Alive

On Thursday, we got stuck into to pretty cool Chemistry. We predicted, observed, experimented and recorded our observations to solve a mystery! A big thank you to Niamh's mum, Gilly, who helped out.