Welcome to Room 6's Blog...

We are one of the Year 3 & 4 classes at Russley School. We aim to work together well so that we can achieve success in everything we do. To help us be successful students we use the Russley Dispositions. They help us to train our brains to think successfully when we are faced with problems where the answer is not immediately known. On our Blog you will find photos, videos, up-coming events, notices and a range of other exciting information that we would love to share with you!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Carrot Contraptions...

This Friday, Room 27 will be constructing their 'Carrot Contraptions'

In pairs, students are having to design and make a wheeled vehicle from the following materials:
-       scissors                         -  carrot or parsnip
-       knife                             -  tooth picks
-       straws        
-       pliers                            -  wire, 1mm wide

The vehicles can have 3 or more wheels and must be able to ‘run’ down a slope and cross a line 30cm from the end.  A good design should travel fast and straight and the wheels should not fall off at any stage.

Pictures and video will be posted here on Friday!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Year 6 Technology Challenge: Newspaper Wearable Arts

As part of our 'Big Day Out', the Year 6 students in Rooms 25, 26 and 27 were asked to design and make an outfit made of newspaper to be worn on Thursday afternoon!

The designed garments had to be a complete outfit that were cello-taped, or glued together. The 'model' had to walk down the catwalk while wearing the finished garment.

Almost all of the Habits of Mind were used by the children.  Have a look at the photos and video below and use the WOW Habit of Mind yourself!

3rd equal - Raj the Musketeer and 'Sir' Victor....

2nd Place - Princess Conor

1st equal - Princess Indi, Cathal the Robot and Lucy the Jellyfish!