Welcome to Room 6's Blog...

We are one of the Year 3 & 4 classes at Russley School. We aim to work together well so that we can achieve success in everything we do. To help us be successful students we use the Russley Dispositions. They help us to train our brains to think successfully when we are faced with problems where the answer is not immediately known. On our Blog you will find photos, videos, up-coming events, notices and a range of other exciting information that we would love to share with you!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Carrot Contraptions...

This Friday, Room 27 will be constructing their 'Carrot Contraptions'

In pairs, students are having to design and make a wheeled vehicle from the following materials:
-       scissors                         -  carrot or parsnip
-       knife                             -  tooth picks
-       straws        
-       pliers                            -  wire, 1mm wide

The vehicles can have 3 or more wheels and must be able to ‘run’ down a slope and cross a line 30cm from the end.  A good design should travel fast and straight and the wheels should not fall off at any stage.

Pictures and video will be posted here on Friday!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Year 6 Technology Challenge: Newspaper Wearable Arts

As part of our 'Big Day Out', the Year 6 students in Rooms 25, 26 and 27 were asked to design and make an outfit made of newspaper to be worn on Thursday afternoon!

The designed garments had to be a complete outfit that were cello-taped, or glued together. The 'model' had to walk down the catwalk while wearing the finished garment.

Almost all of the Habits of Mind were used by the children.  Have a look at the photos and video below and use the WOW Habit of Mind yourself!

3rd equal - Raj the Musketeer and 'Sir' Victor....

2nd Place - Princess Conor

1st equal - Princess Indi, Cathal the Robot and Lucy the Jellyfish!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Greek Myths...

Room 27 at St Albans School have invented their own Greek gods and goddess, and written some exciting myths. Now, these are only a few, as the recording process is taking a wee bit longer than first anticipated!


Super Speakers...

A huge congratulations to Sinead, Oliver and Cathal who represented Room 27 in last week's Syndicate Speech Competition in the hall.  A massive "That's GOLD" to Oliver who was awarded 2nd place by Mrs. Ward and Mrs. Wakefield for his speech on Bees.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Room 27's Poetry Anthologies...

Click on the tab titled 'Year 6 Poetry' to have a read of some of the wonderful poems Room 27 have created. Each poet has placed up on the our blog, their favourite poem from their anthology.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Science Alive!

Science Alive! on PhotoPeach

Wheelie Day...

Here's a couple of pictures and videos of the Year 6 students in action on Wheelie Day!

Cheapskates Skate Skool...

On Tuesday, as our Big Day Out treat, Luke from Cheapskates came to school and let us have a blast on some rollerblades and skateboards.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Crazy Catapult Competition...

This was a group activity that was followed by a prize-giving ceremony, with the winners receiving an Honours Board Badge! 

To win this competition, Room 27 students were grouped into 'random' groups and had to not only have to design and build a catapult, they also needed to test their catapults, collect and present information about how far it could catapult a marshmallow, research what makes catapults work and provide a written report that presents the experiment.

The following materials were used to construct the catapults:

  • Ice cream sticks
  • Rubber bands
  • Plastic containers
  • Paper clips
  • Blu tac
  • Plastic spoons
  • Straws
  • Cardboard
  • Cellotape (30cm)
  • String (30cm)

Groups had to present their catapult to the rest of the class and then catapult a marshmallow using it! The distance that the marshmallow travels was measured. Groups also had to present a written report so that the class can see how you designed and tested your catapult. Team Gazza managed to send their marshmallow 11m!

The winners
Even though Team Gazza catapulted their marshmallow the furtherest, they failed to complete a written report. So the winners of this scientific challenge were Team King Dumptruck as they were in second place and supplied a high quality, completed written report.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Collage (from the French word 'to glue')

For art we are exploring different types of collage. We've started by changing our faces (just a little!) Can you tell who these people are?

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Wheelie Day!

On Tuesday the 9th of August, children are invited to bring some 'wheels' to school. They can bring skateboards, bikes, roller blades, scooters, rip sticks etc (no motorbikes).

Each year group will get a designated time to use their wheels during the day. A course will be set up around the courts. Children will not be allowed to use them during lunchtime and not before or after school.
If they bring a bike or scooter they will need to be locked up. Skateboards etc to be stored neatly in the cloakroom but not blocking any doors.
Time table:
Year 6: 9am - 9.35am                       
Year 5: 9.35am - 10.10am            
Year 4: 10.30am - 11.10am            
Year 3: 11.15am - 12.00pm            
Year 2: 1.30pm - 2.10pm            
Year 1: 2.15pm – 2.55pm            

There will be school council members out there acting as 'Wheelie Cops'.  There will be two courses set up - one for bikes and scooters and one for other wheels.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

PTA PIzza and Sausage Sizzle Days for Term 3


Sausage, sauce and break - $2
Gluten-free sausages - $3
Hawaiian or Meat Lovers Pizza - $2 per slice (max of 2 per child)(


Friday 12th August: Sausage Sizzle
Orders can be placed with Jess, Lucy and Cathal on the morning of the 12th.

Friday 26th August: Pizza
Order forms will go home on Wednesday the 25th. Please place your orders and money in the Drop box outside the Office on Thursday the 25th. Orders will not be taken on Friday morning.

Friday 9th of September: Sausage Sizzle.
Orders can be placed with Jess, Lucy and Cathal on the morning of the 9th.
Friday 30th of September: Pizza
Order forms will go home on Wednesday the 22nd. Please place your orders and money in the Drop box outside the Office on Thursday the 29th. Orders will not be taken on Friday morning.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Welcome to Term 3!

Kia ora and welcome to Term 3!

This week we're getting back into the swing of things and will be looking at continue composing our fantastic Poetry Anthologies, which we will be sharing soon. Also, we will start looking at a variety of speeches, as in Week 8 everyone in Room 27 will be required to deliver a speech. I'd like all children to start thinking about a topic for their speech!

We are going to be studying Ancient Civilisations - Egyptians, Romans, Greeks. We will look at comparing and contrasting the way they lived to how we live today, and what important discoveries were made then that help us today. Also, the Rugby World Cup kicks off very soon and we will be looking at this closely - GO THE ALL BLACKS!!!

Just a reminder that Parent/Teacher Interviews are next week. The interviews are for parents who have any questions or queries about their child's Mid Year Report. Bookings are open for parents at schoolinterviews.co.nz. Our reference code is 8QKMX.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Four-line Poems...

We started talking about poetry today, as we're about to start an exciting poetry unit.  Have a listen to some of the four-line poems we made as a class....

Friday, June 17, 2011


Well done to Brooke, Sain and Zac who earned a certificate last week!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

School Status: Opening tomorrow, Thursday 16th June from 8:30a

This morning the school was thoroughly checked and we will be ready to open tomorrow. Our toilets are all working, although time will tell whether the sewerage system stands up to multiple flushes. We have electricity and heating and our buildings are safe and sound. Once again our staffroom will be available to parents and caregivers in the morning. Please join us for a cup of tea or coffee should you need one. This also gives you the chance to chat with other members of the community.

Please ensure your child has a supply of boiled water every day. Please name their bottle. The drinking fountains will be disconnected until the water supply has been verified as safe.

Transportation to and from school
Due to the state of the roads we ask everyone to reduce traffic where possible. If you can walk or scooter to school we ask that you do so. As it is the queues are significant and this will worsen when schools re-open. Please consider this option if you are able to do so.

Structural checks
As I stated earlier these have been completed. You may see surface cracking etc. in some areas of the school. Please do not be alarmed, these have been checked thoroughly and verified as being safe to occupy.

Please ring or text us if your child(ren) will not be attending school.
We are looking forward to re-connecting with you and seeing all our children again.

Mrs. Warren

Monday, June 13, 2011

Another Earthquake...

Well done to everyone in Room 27. Everyone should be really proud of the way they coped, and looked after one another. School is closed tomorrow (14th of June) as there's a lot of liquefaction and problems with the drainage. 

Mr. Ish.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Gazza's Poem

Alana and Sinead wrote this poem earlier in the year, you may have seen on the homework sheets, but here it is again!!

Gazza is a loveable bear,
Who always wants to help and share,
He's very smart and very cool,
He loves to be with us at school,
He loves to be with us in spare time,
That's why we wrote him this rhyme,
He's arty, farty and very shy,
And likes to look at the clouds in the sky,
That's why we like this fuzzy friend,
Because he's here until the end.

Class Meeting Minutes 8 June 2011

This week the Class Meeting was held with Matua Te Haere.  But unfortunately the Minutes have gone missing!  So as soon as we find them, we will post them up on the Blog.  Sorry :(

Sinead - Class Chair

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Cycle Safety 'Action' - Session 1

Cycle Safety - Session 1

Today Room 27 started their Cycle Safety course with instructors, Anna, Kristina, Jeff, Richard and Chris from the Christchurch City Council. Our next sessions are on Tuesday and Thursday next week.

Your children learnt lots (which I'm sure they'll tell you about), and have each been given a comprehensive Cycle/Helmet Check Form. Please have a good look at this, as the instructors spent a lot of time assessing each bike and helmet.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Class Meeting Minutes 25 May 2011

These were the minutes discussed at last week's class meeting

  • The first item of business was the marking pile written by Seth. He thought that the marking pile area was getting too messy so he had the idea of having a box for each subject. The class decided that would be too many boxes so we decided that we might do one for maths interchange, one for to hand out and one for to be marked. This will go ahead when Mr. Isherwood has time to visit Payless Plastics
  • The second item of business was that people putting up other people's points up on the whiteboard, and it sometimes gets put up twice. The solution to this problem was solved by each group assigned each group member to write the points up or deduct. This has gone ahead and is working well.
  • Singing Happy Birthday to in groups. Written by Sinead. It was decided that the group who sings the best will be awarded points for their Harry Potter Dorm, but you can't choose your own group.
  • Jarred had the idea of e-mailing people in England from Jarred's old school. This will not go ahead but the people that do might be able to do that with Mr.Ish's permission.
Written by Sinead  (Class Chair)


Congratulations to Lucas, Finn and Alana. They received a certificate this week.

Gazza and Mr. Ish are proud of you!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Class Meeting Minutes 18 May 2011

These were the minutes discussed at last weeks class meeting:

Minutes: TERM 2, WEEK 3

  • Mitchell felt that people were not getting a turn to say what they want to say in the class meeting when we are discussing a topic. This problem was talked about  and will hopefully not happen again. 
  • Lucy had the idea of putting a 'Reminders Bubble' on the whiteboard so if you have something to remember and it might useful to others in the class before you forget write it the Reminders Bubble. Everyone is keen for this to happen
  • Annoyed by name confusion, Jess and Jessica made a contract to say that we would call Jessica Charlton Jess and Jessica Brooker Jessica. Mr. Ish, Oliver and I had to sign it on behalf of the class.
  • Jessica also wrote about lost items because she finds lots of lost items all over the floor she had the idea of a lost items bin and if you've lost or need to borrow something temporarily that you don't have as long as you return it if it isn't your lost item. Although        Mr. Ish said you have to be responsible.
  • In Room 27 you may or may not have seen the 'Live Above The Line' poster. Callum and Mitchell suggested  blowing it up and making it bigger and Mr. Ish will shift your paper head above or below the line depending on how you are behaving. If you are above the line that's great but if you are below the line you need to step up your game.  
  • Balcony Lock Out: Finally, this was a problem that we approached during the meeting that people are locking other people on the balcony. If someone sees this happening they need to  tell Mr. Ish, the person who did it will get "Louie's E's".
By Sinead Washington, Class Chair

Monday, May 16, 2011

Class Meeting Minutes 11 May 2011

These were the ideas and issues that were discussed at last week's Class Meeting

Minutes -Term 2, Week 2

  • Jessica had the idea of having a newspaper fight on a big day in. We would have to make small balls of newspaper and throw them from side to side. Room 27 was in favour of this idea

  • Sinead pointed out that although we do take our shoes off, we need to take them off downstairs so we don't get the stairs dirty. We need to carry our shoes upstairs and put them on the balcony. Then some people felt that there might be an earthquake so we agreed that you can wear slippers in the class room.

  • In our class if you miss behave Mr. Ish will ask. 'Have you had your warning' and if you don't the class will say. 'You do know" and the do an evil laugh. Two people felt that the evil laugh made them uncomfortable. We felt that this issue could not be ignored so now when this happens the person must say whether or not they want to be laughed at or not.  

  • In early term 1. We won a game on the bus with Ms. Woods but have not get it yet due to the earthquake. A time has been sorted.
By Oliver Mercer-Beumelburg Deputy Class Chair.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Class Meeting Minutes - 4th May 2011

These are the ideas and issues we talked about yesterday at our first class meeting.


General Business:

  • Cathal had the idea of a marking pulley station. We compromised, and decided to make an owl tray for each table group; Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. 

Cathal is to plan and co-ordinate this.

  • Oliver had the idea of wearing shoes inside in case of an earthquake. It was decided that we are going to wear slippers or socks from now on.

  • There was one issue the agenda - Lucy said Mrs Hunter caught people  running and being silly when it's inside play but this problem will pretty much solve itself with wet day monitors now in place.

  • Sain suggested free time /Golden Time. If all tasks on the "To-Do List" are completed to a high standard by Friday we can have 15 minutes Free Time. Mr. Ish will send out a runner to collect them when their time is up.

By Sinead Washington, Class Chair

PTA PIzza and Sausage Sizzle Days for Term 2

Sausage, sauce and break - $2
Gluten-free sausages - $3
Hawaiian or Meat Lovers Pizza - $2 per slice (max of 2 per child)(

Friday 13th May: Sausage Sizzle
Orders can be placed with Jess and Cathal on the morning of the 13th.

Friday 27th May: Pizza
Order forms will go home on Wednesday the 25th. Please place your orders and money in the Drop box outside the Office on Thursday the 26th. Orders will not be taken on Friday morning.

Friday 3rd of June: Sausage Sizzle.
Te Tikanga Rua Reo parents will run a sausage sizzle for the school to celebrate Matariki. Orders can be placed with Jess and Cathal on the morning of the 3rd

Friday 24 June: Pizza
Order forms will go home on Wednesday the 22nd. Please place your orders and money in the Drop box outside the Office on Thursday the 23rd. Orders will not be taken on Friday morning.

Friday 8th July: Sausage Sizzle

Sausage, sauce and break - $2
Gluten-free sausages - $3
Hawaiian or Meat Lovers Pizza - $2 per slice (max of 2 per child)(


Friday 13th May: Sausage Sizzle
Orders can be placed with Jess and Cathal on the morning of the 13th.

Friday 27th May: Pizza
Order forms will go home on Wednesday the 25th. Please place your orders and money in the Drop box outside the Office on Thursday the 26th. Orders will not be taken on Friday morning.

Friday 3rd of June: Sausage Sizzle.
Te Tikanga Rua Reo parents will run a sausage sizzle for the school to celebrate Maori Language Week. Orders can be placed with Jess and Cathal on the morning of the 8th.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Meet Gazza!

Gazza (The Brainy Bear) is Room 27's mascot. He is a really smart bear. When he has a problem to solve he ALWAYS thinks successfully using the Habits of Mind.

Sinead, Oliver and Brooke are busy preparing some extra 'stuff' on the Habits of Mind, which they will share in Term 2!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Bake Sale!!!

Sinead's cousin, Siobhan Hoare is selling fudge, chocolate chip cookies and homemade lemonade this Saturday, the 2nd April, outside her house - 46 St. Albans Street from 10am to 11:30am.

Please pop along and purchase some delicious baking and some refreshing drink.

The profits will be donated to Red Cross.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Picasso Self Portraits...

In Room 27, we created some stunning ‘Pablo Picasso’ Self Portraits. If you’d like to learn how to create your own, ask one of the super artists in Room 27 and they’ll tell you how. 

Monday, February 21, 2011

This Is My Place....

Everyone has a place that is special or important to them, and a unique reason why that place has a special significance!

Your homework task this week is to:

a) Compose and capture one still digital image (photo) that best illustrates your special place.

b) Write one to two paragraphs describing your special place and why it has significance to you.

c) Combine your photograph and description to create an effective static image.

d) Bring it to school for sharing on Friday 25th February.

Please remember to have a look at the example that is on display in the classroom.

Mr. Isherwood

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Room 27's Swimming Lessons - Term 1!

Room 27 will be participating in swimming at Aquagym next week (14th to the 18th of February)!  There is a cost of $23 for these lessons, this includes transport.   We will be departing school at 10:30am, swim from 11 to 11:30am, then depart Aquagym at 11:45am.

The school realises that the lessons are an extra cost above the Activity Fee, but feel it is an essential skill for the childrens' safety that complements the school's own swim programme. The cost has been reduced by the Governemnts contribution to encourage participation in Physical Education. Please make payment to the office as soon as possible. If payment is proving difficult, please apply in writing to Mrs. Warren.

School Council Guidelines...

The St. Albans School Council will be made up of Senior Students. These students will attend weekly meetings to assist in the running of the school. All classes, including the seniors, are asked to run weekly or at least fortnightly meetings to discuss any issues that your children feel need to be addressed. Middle and Junior classes are asked to have a class representative whose responsibility is to liaise with the School Council on matters of concern. Junior and Middle children will not attend the School Council meetings.

Mr. McKenzie's School Council reps will come to each class at a time that suits each teacher and report the Council Minutes and liaise with children on matters of concern negative and POSITIVE!

Room 27 students who wish to be members must present a speech to the class on Thursday the 17th of February. The speech needs to include information such as why they would be an excellent School Council representative, what initiatives they have that would benefit the school, and anything else that they see as appropriate.

If you have any questions, please just ask!

Mr. Isherwood

Monday, February 7, 2011

Head Boy, Head Girl, Deputy Head Boy and Deputy Head Girl

St Albans School is calling for nominations for the above positions. The head positions are very important and respected roles with our school. You need to be:

A confident speaker
Self motivated
Respected by your peers
A great role model
Responsible, reliable and helpful
Well mannered.

If you fit all of the above categories, then we would like you to put your name forward for held/deputy positions. If you are interested, please fill in a form (Mr. Isherwood has them) and hand it to Mr. McKenzie by Wednesday the 16th of February.